Infografia Ecosistema Impulsa Talentum
How do we promote talent?

The Impulsa Talentum XXI Foundation first identifies innovative projects and ideas from any field in Catalonia. Some of them are winners and finalists of the Cambra Talent Awards, organized by the foundation annually. Others emerge in the country's entrepreneurial ecosystem and come to the foundation as a project to develop and scale. From the Fundació promotes Talentum XXI we evaluate and analyze the project, and we help in dissemination through its own media, Catalonia Talent, in addition to carrying out a growth diagnosis, ending with a strategy to raise economic and human resources to achieve the success.

Premis Talent Catalonia Talent Talent Knowledge Congress
Any 2020
Més de 500 noticies per difondre el talent català
Més de 100 projectes identificats l’any 2020
Més de 30 projectes premiats i impulsats
Col·laborem amb més de 10 entitats per impulsar el talent

November 20, 2020

October 16, 2020

September 30, 2020

May 14, 2019